Delivery Policy

Limitless Learning Delivery Policy

At Limitless Learning, we understand that getting your hands on your new knowledge resources as quickly as possible is important. This delivery policy outlines how we deliver our downloadable e-books to you.

Delivery of eBooks

  • Instant Access: Since our products are digital, you’ll enjoy instant access to your purchased e-books! Once your order is confirmed and payment is processed, you will receive an email with download instructions. This email will include a link to your e-book files and any additional information you may need.
  • Compatibility: It’s important to ensure your device is compatible with the file format of the e-book you’re purchasing. Most of our e-books are offered in industry-standard formats like EPUB and PDF. Specific information about the format will be available on the product page of each e-book.

Delivery Time

  • There are no waiting periods for our e-books! Once your purchase is confirmed, you will receive the download link almost instantly via email.

Order Tracking

  • You won’t need a separate tracking number for your e-book order. The confirmation email you receive will serve as your proof of purchase and will contain the download link for your e-book files.

Customer Support

  • If you encounter any issues downloading your e-book, don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at We’re happy to help!